Return Policy
If you find a product purchased from and is not according to your expectations, you can return your order for a refund. In order to return your product to Perfect Nutrition Inc, (The official online partner) simply return the unused product, along with the receipt, within 3 days of purchase. If you need assistance, please call us at +91-22 -6641 2000, or contact us via email at
If you received a damaged or defective product, please call our Customer Service at +91-22- 6641 2000.
All products have a 3 day, money back guarantee. Only products purchased directly from are eligible for a money back return. If your product was purchased from a retail store, your product needs to be returned to that store. It is the responsibility of that store to provide you with a refund as per there return policy.
In order to return your product to Perfect Nutrition Inc, (The official online partner) simply return the unused product, along with the receipt, within 3 days of purchase. If you need assistance, please call us at +91-22 -6641 2000, or contact us via email at